What kind of turkey are you?

Somehow I came up with the bizarre idea of making a turkey carcass mobile for a self-promo project, and even more bizarre, was encouraged to do so by my instructor. I like oddball things that make people say “what the hell was that girl thinking,” and a mobile of “flying” turkey carcasses seemed a fun way.

Well, I started making various types of turkeys just to play around with pattern and style, but then I got stuck. I failed to find the deeper meaning behind the turkey and how it could promote me. So, I feel like I’m back at step one again searching for a new concept, but I still like my turkeys. In fact, I’d still make a 3D turkey carcass mobile if I had the time, or if I could find a way for it to lure the attention of future employers. Anyway, I like my mock up turkeys, so I thought I’d share…


The Multi-Dimensional Turkey, complete with timer popper thingy.


The Glam Turkey, shimmery and sparkly for your big night out.


The Crafty Turkey, for those that enjoy clever handmade goods.


The All-Natural Turkey. Organic and no preservatives.


The Retro Turkey. So ugly, it’s cool.


The Jock Turkey. Feels like a real ball when you palm it.

The Surreal Turkey. Will take you to a dream-like place.


The Urban Type turkey. Edgy alternative to the Graffiti Turkey.


The Turkish Turkey, with optional Fez. Made of fun foam.


Filed under design, portfoliocenter

2 responses to “What kind of turkey are you?

  1. lynngalloway

    i’m all about the urban turkey baby!

  2. Melanie LaJambe

    Hey And… I love the turkeys so far! 😀 I really think you gotta have a Russian turkey in there somewhere…I think that really speaks about you in a significant way 😀


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